The Children's Life Fund Authority
The Children's Life Fund is a charitable organization that provides funding to children who need life saving medical treatment abroad. Well over 235 cases have been approved for children who, if they did not receive these surgeries, would not be with us today. When you donate to the Children's Life Fund, you are making a life-saving investment in the future of these kids. We invite you to explore our website to understand the procedures or learn how you can contribute to give a child the surgery they need for a better quality of life.
Children assisted to date
Making a Contribution
Contributions can be made in cash or by cheque:
1. At the CLFA offices located in the Wendy Fitzwilliam Paediatric Hospital (cheque only)
2. TT Dollar Transfers: At any Branch of First Citizens Bank Limited Trinidad & Tobago W.I. Account No. 1962050 (cash or cheque)
3. For International US Dollar Transfers:
Beneficiary Information:
Children's Life Fund
Beneficiary Bank: First Citizens Bank, 9 Queens Park Savannah, Port of Spain, Trinidad W.I. SWIFT CODE FCTTTTPS
Account # 1982590
Intermediary Bank:
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. Int'l Operations
PO Box 13860 Philadelphia, PA, 19101-3866, USA
The Application Process
1. Collect the form from the CLFA office at the Wendy Fitzwilliam Paediatric Hospital, Eric Williams Medical Complex, Trinidad & Tobago or download it from website
2. Submit the signed and completed form and all relevant documents
3. Life Unit coordinates a clinical and financial assessment and a recommendation is submitted, through the Centre Manager / Chief Executive Officer, to the Board
4. If the application is approved:
a. CLFA applies for the VISA for the child and 1 parent/guardian and makes relevant flight and payment arrangements for treatment
b. The patient is monitored and evaluated during treatment while abroad
c. Upon return the parent/legal guardian meets with a representative from CLFA to provide relevant feedback
"Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see."

(868) 225-4673 Ext. 3321 - 3324
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Visit our Location
Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex